Taken together the pieces assembled here represent a thoughtful attempt to begin to find a way out of the current impasse in which the Left finds itself, caught as it is between the rock of supporting authoritarian state control with its top down one- size- fits- all solutions ( as represented by the Covid 19 lock down) and the hard place of blind faith in the People to come up with progressive solutions within civil society without the resources that only the state can provide for scaling them up. It has been the singular achievement of Compass to have proposed a way out of this quandary with its 45 degree model of political change. In contributing to its further development and application , this think piece is an attempt move the debate about the Left’s future prospects beyond the current phase of crisis management and towards a strategy capable of winning the battle for hearts and minds in a post Brexit, post pandemic Britain.
There Must Be Some Way Out of Here
Edited by Phil Cohen
With contributions from Ruth Lister,Angela McRobbie, Dick Pountain, Michael Rustin, and Valerie Walkerdone
Published by Compass.
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