We would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral and who sent messages of condolence and tribute for their support during this difficult time. It was especially moving to learn that Stephen had so many good friends, many of whom turned up , and who also organised a face book network of over sixty people to share their memories … [Read more...] about A Tribute in Words and Pictures to Ste Thomson
Scenes From A Missing Childhood
Introduction: ‘Scenes from a Missing Childhood’ is based on the author’s experience of growing up in London during the blitz; it consists of a sequence of short prose poems depicting screen memories associated with the V2 bombs, his being sent away from home as an 18 month old baby to his grandmother in South Wales and the subsequent return. These pieces seek to create a … [Read more...] about Scenes From A Missing Childhood
Reading Room Only: Memoir of a Radical Bibliophile
Five Leaves Press Nottingham April 2013 Political activists are popularly supposed to be wild eyed visionaries or ranting dogmatists who spend their time manning real or imaginary barricades. Bibliophiles, in contrast, are expected to be quiet retiring academic types who send their whole lives in … [Read more...] about Reading Room Only: Memoir of a Radical Bibliophile
The Way We Were Then
The Way We Were : 144 Piccadilly squat A few years ago a TV company approached me to see if I would be interviewed for a programme they wanted to make about the Street Commune squat at 144 Piccadilly. It was to be broadcast as part of a series entitled ‘The Way We Were’ in which people who had been directly involved in recent historical events were asked to talk about … [Read more...] about The Way We Were Then
Formations Of Self And Society 1943-73: A Conversation With Cynthia Cockburn
2008 was forty years after the student uprisings which caused a storm in the teacups of the political establishment across the world. The anniversary was an occasion for that generation, my generation, to take stock, to look back at the conjuncture and consider how it had shaped our politics and subsequent lives. As someone who had been a student in the early sixties … [Read more...] about Formations Of Self And Society 1943-73: A Conversation With Cynthia Cockburn