We would like to thank everyone who attended the funeral and who sent messages of condolence and tribute for their support during this difficult time. It was especially moving to learn that Stephen had so many good friends, many of whom turned up , and who also organised a face book network of over sixty people to share their memories of him. We are giving the tribute book to Stephen’s sons, Ricky and Casey, to keep as part of a memory box which we are putting together for them .
We have raised nearly £1000 for Alcohol Concern and would like to thank everyone who has given so generously. It is still not too late to make a donation by logging on to : www.justgiving.com/phil-cohen1.
Thanks to the generosity of Liz Haggard we are setting up a bursary at Birkbeck College , where Stephen was a student , for first year students who are in financial difficulties and who need some support to continue their studies.
We hope that those of you who were not able to attend the funeral service might like to listen to the audio and also watch the visual tribute which is soundtracked with two of Stephen’s favourite songs . We have also uploaded a powerpoint showing a selection of Stephen’s work from the sketchbook he kept during the last year of his life. If you would like copies of any of these images please email Jean at jeanmcneil.49@hotmail.com.
Here is the PowerPoint showing a selection of Stephen’s work from the sketchbook he kept during the last year of his life.
Here is the full and final version of the tribute text.ICARUS – A Tribute to Ste Thomson
Audio from Ste’s Funeral: